Monday, August 15, 2011

The First Day!

So the first day of any new thing is nerve-wracking, the first day of high school, the first day of driving, the first day of college, the first day of an internship, and the first day of a "new" job at said internship is no different.

Thats right, today was my first day working on Steven and Chris as an actual CBC employee, no longer an intern, no longer a student, a "grown up". Its a day thats filled with a lot of mixed emotions, the first one being nervous. When I walked through the CBC doors this morning I had a major flashback of the first time walking through during my internship and waiting at the security desk for Therese to come down and meet me. Today I did the exact same thing, came in the same doors, waited at the same desk and waited to see what I was getting myself into haha. Looked up at the 3 boys that I looked up at on my first day as an intern.

I had goosebumps waiting for the office manager Andrea to come down and meet myself and the other new Steven and Chris peeps. But slowly those goosebumps went away as I saw Dave, Nicole, Sara, Melissa, and of course Denise :D. Maybe it was the amount of coffee I drank on the way to work, or that I saw Ron James and Kary Osmond while waiting at the desk but I definitely had that feeling like it was christmas morning and you couldn't wait to see what you were about to get. I was all giddy inside and definitely couldn't stand still...thinking back, I probably seemed crazy to the other new people haha. Sorry guys, I promise I'm not crazy.

Anyway, Andrea comes down, meets all of us, gives us the classic Visitor passes and takes us upstairs to meet/see the rest of the team. For the most part everyone from last season was back and it was great to see them all again. We did the whole chat and catch up briefly thing before it was time to find my desk. That's right, this year, I get a desk. And Jake, if you're reading this, thanks for the desk haha.


Alright, so I got my desk, my chair, my computer, my filing cabinet and thats fun and all, but I had to go back and catch up with more people. It's such an amazing team to work with and everyone wants to hear about everyones summer, it truly felt like the first day of school all over again. Then it was time for the morning meeting to discuss the week ahead and do the formal introductions of the team members. After that it was a tour of the studio floor and show the changes.

After the tour it was time to make the changes happen. The prop room from last year is now the prep kitchen, the prop room is being moved to the "swag room", the swag room is being moved to what was a storage room last year, and the kitchen storage room is being moved into the prep kitchen. I could go into a very detailed account of everything we, being Dave, Xico (Chico), Nicole and myself, did or I can just say we worked our asses off to get as much done so a major chunk is done. There's still a lot to get done before the end of this week but knowing what we accomplished today I am very confident that we will get it done. I'd show you pictures but 1) I was too busy to take any, 2) Everything's a disaster zone still. It's what I like to call controlled chaos. 

And that my friends, is my first day working as an official CBC, Steven and Chris, employee :) Before leaving I signed my contract and handed over a VOID cheque to officially be on the bankroll! Lets see what tomorrow has in store :) Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. wow Ian that is way cool! I am jealous for sure of your job it sounds amazing. maybe one day I will make it onto this show and we can be all oh heyy how are yah and chat it up haha. cant wait to read what else you do !
