Thursday, September 15, 2011

all he needed was some rockets on the side of a car

Well these past 2 days have been pretty busy, busy but awesome.

Yesterday we were back in Kitchener to shoot the "afters" of the kids bathroom makeover. And as promised, here are some pictures :D

A little "Behind the scenes" action

More "behind the scenes" action

I can't give away the whole room so here's some parts of it... just watch the segment when it airs :)

It's pretty incredible to see what it was, and what it is. But overall an awesome day, full of talking about awesome things...literally. You know The Book of Awesome? Well Jo brought it with her so while Denise was busy shooting beauties, we flipped through the book and would argue each awesome thing, tell a story about said awesome thing, and just generally laugh. We talked about farts for quite some time haha. 

Yup, that pretty much sums up that day haha.

Today could be included in that "Book of Awesome"...ever wanted a room makeover? Well these people did, and they won a little contest...I bet you can guess what happened. And again, here are some pics from today...but I'm not going to give away the whole space. That would be too nice of me.

Great start to the day!

Sneak Peak


I Love Lamp


This is literally just the tip of the iceberg....this place looks incredible. Denise's shooting looked just as incredible and this piece is going to come together incredibly. Did I mention, incredible? How about 3 discs full of incredible? Thats a total of about 2 hours of footage for an "after" of a makeover. Not a bad day at all haha. Lots of tripod shots, lots of dolly moves, lots of incredible. Period.

p.s. here's what NOT to do on set.....

This is a picture of me telling Melissa not to take a picture during a take.... Clearly she didn't listen haha.

Anyway, that's all for me tonight, see you again tomorrow :) Or maybe you're reading this "tomorrow" in which case, I'll see you tonight ;) 

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